Applied Computer Science

I have admission for master of Nanotechnology, which was not listed in the programme's list. I would like to know if there are any sports team like a basketball team in this university? How can international students find part-time jobs?

over 5 years ago
1 Answer
over 5 years ago

Hi Rahil,

Thank you for your question and apologies for the late response.

There are teams for most sports at the University of Twente which is close to Saxion, and you are welcome to join them in the beginning of the year, although you do need to pay an annual fee to have access to the facilities which if I'm not mistaken if less than 100€ for the whole year.

In terms of part time jobs, that depends whether you are from an EU or a non-EU country.

for EU students there are no limitation in terms of working hours, and in terms of jobs available they range from delivering food with an electrical bike, or working in a store as a sales or stockroom assistant, or even working at a call center if your spoken language is in need. There is a job agency for students called ASA, which could help you find a position.

If you are not from an EU country, it could be more challenging, as you are limited to working 16 hours a week all year or full-time during the summer period only. The jobs available would be the same as listed above, but they are only examples, as there are more options available. It also depends from which country you are, as some nationalities require an additional work permit which needs to be ordered from your employer, e.g. McDonalds or Primark. This extra step could be more limiting if such employer manages to find someone else for the position if that makes sense?

Hope the above answers your queries.

Have a great day!

Luciano, Saxion IO Team

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