Applied Computer Science

Would it be possible to somehow combine ACS and CMGT? I am interested in both, but more in computer sciences but if there is a way to combine them it will make my decision easier.

almost 5 years ago
1 Answer
almost 5 years ago

Hi Axel,

That is completely possible since I know one of my friend is studying both ACS and Forensic. However, please bear in mind that since the two programs come from different departments, you might have to fit two completely seperate schedules from the two programs onto your studying schedule. Therefore, once you get accepted onto either of the programs, I would highly recommend you to talk this through with your study mentor to make any adjustments if needed.

You could also consider trying the "Be a student for one day" at Saxion for both programs to know which one suits you better. Either way, I wish you best of luck and hope to see you at Saxion soon! :D

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