Creative Media and Game Technologies

Greetings, i have a question regarding my future plan in CMGT. Im planning to build a desktop for my needs in this program (i will bring a laptop too but only use the laptop during the classes/studio time). I appreciate the feedback

about 1 year ago
1 Answer
Joris Kok
Joris Kok
about 1 year ago

It’s highly recommend to buy a good laptop, rather than a PC. You will be spending a lot of time on location and it’s generally an annoyance for yourself and your team when you’re working on projects and you can’t run or compile the work you’re doing unless you go home.

Anything that can handle a modern game with ultra settings is recommended, so that you can use that laptop or at least 4 years. There are recommended specs on the cmgt saxion page, but they’re slightly outdated

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