Creative Media and Game Technologies

How are students graded? What is the passing grade and the highest grade a student can get?

about 1 month ago
1 Answer
Joris Kok
Joris Kok
25 days ago

Students at CMGT are graded on projects rather than exams. These projects vary a lot between subjects and are sometimes done in groups. There are rubrics that the teachers use to grade these subjects, which are supposed to judge how well you did in certain aspects of the project. For example, a project where you have to make a game could be graded in 1) how well the visuals have been developed, 2) how well the game mechanics have been tested, 3) how creatively the assignment was interpreted, 4) how clean the code implementation is, etc. Your team would then be collectively graded on these aspects, so it's a team effort. In solo projects, it's your responsibility to understand the assignment, and provide a project that has both your own creativity in it, and abides by the learning goals described in the rubric. You will be aware of the rubric's contents from the start.

Eventually, these projects are given a final grade from 1 to 10. It is possible to get a 10 on some subjects. If you score an average higher than 7.5 and do not score any 6s, you will graduate cum laude.

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