Creative Media and Game Technologies

For the artistic role, a drawing pad is required. We were wondering how this pad is used. Is it used as a replacement of the mouse or to crate drawings. Mainly to decide, do we need a drawing pad or display?

Sytse Henstra
6 months ago
1 Answer
Joris Kok
Joris Kok
6 months ago

Either one works! Some people prefer display tablets and some just a regular pen pad. It's primarily dependent on the workflow of the user. I recommend getting a simple Huion pen pad, which are usually cheaper than a display tablet, and then checking out the workflow for senior students that use a graphics tablet. They're usually happy to let you test them out and then you can decide later for yourself if you want to upgrade. Tablets are easy to sell so it's won't be a big loss of money.

It's also not necessarily required to have it from day 1, so there's no rush!

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