Creative Media and Game Technologies

Hi, I want to apply for the Creative Media and Game technologies short degree program and I wanted to ask, what level of portfolio is required? I have worked as a graphic designer, and have a degree in fine art but no prior knowledge of 3D.

over 1 year ago
1 Answer
Joris Kok
Joris Kok
over 1 year ago

Your portfolio really doesn't have to be extensive. It's mostly just to see what your experience is so far and if you've given more than two thoughts about joining the study. So any work you've done is great, but we highly recommend doing your intake assignment very consciously, since this will be a more important indicator for the intake interview. CMGT does not require prior experience, just an informed applicant. And the best way to be informed is to try making some portfolio items that game devs would have.

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