Creative Media and Game Technologies

If you've done the Ad Software Development (English Taught) Associate degree, can you join the Creative Media and Game Technologies (English taught) Bachelor in year thre? Or do you need to start in year one?

about 3 years ago
1 Answer
Joris Kok
Joris Kok
about 3 years ago

It is not possible to join at a later point in the study. From the beginning, you're taught essential knowledge on how to work in the creative industry, and all teaching happens in the first two years. In year 3, you're just doing your minor and internship, and in year 4, you'll be doing your IMTS project and your graduation internship. You can't really miss the first two years for this. Not only because of the lack of experience but also because you need the ECTs you get during those first two years.

Besides, what's the fun of joining late? CMGT is not only a great study to get into the creative industry, but also a great experience due to the tight community we have. Our students are all nerds, geeks, and gamers, and because of that, our projects and classes are super fun! Alongside that, you'll be building up a network that is essential to your future in the creative industry. The best way to find internships, jobs and other opportunities is by asking friends and teachers. You'll be missing that if you just decide on joining in the third year (again, not that that is an option)

I hope this helps! And good luck with your education!

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