Creative Media and Game Technologies

I wanted to ask if there are any lessons about writing a story for a game or if the study is only focused on the other aspects of game technology? And if there was a chance to learn this, what role would be responsible for it? Designer?

Alena Hladká
about 3 years ago
1 Answer
Joris Kok
Joris Kok
about 3 years ago

We do offer storytelling subjects like Immersive Storytelling, Cinematics, and some basic game design that covers this as well.

I should say, as a designer, that you won't be able to only focus on this. You should really critically look at your development skills and see if you actually like making a game, or at least designing it. Because in our study, if you're a designer that can't test, prototype, or design the game mechanics, you're basically a burden to the project team.

This is not to deter you from joining the study though! Game development is really fun and the technical aspect of game technology is way less scary than you might think. Personally, I wouldn't call myself a technical guy, but I love working on games and really figure out the whole system of mechanics that come into play.

I highly recommend checking out some videos on game development, and trying it out for yourself. It doesn't have to be good, but it might be good indicator if you're a fit for this study or not. And if it turns out that you don't like the actual development part of games, then Creative Writing might be a better study for you (unfortunately Saxion does not offer this).

Good luck with your study choice!

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