Creative Media and Game Technologies

How much did you know before you entered the course? like what coding languages or did you have any experience 3d modelling or animating before this? what sort of skills should you know

over 5 years ago
1 Answer
Gabriella Fonseca Ribeiro
Gabriella Fonseca Ribeiro
over 5 years ago


I had some experience in web programming, but no experience at all in 3d modelling.

It would be nice for you to get familiar with the basics of programming, the language doesn't matter THAT MUCH as the concepts. So you can pick up on Phyton or PHP or Javascript - you can find good basis courses online.

The same goes for some adobe softwares. But you don't need to master anything specific before you start the programme - you'll learn at the programme the path for you, and from there specialise on the softwares / skills you'll use in your career.

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