Creative Media and Game Technologies

Right now I only have a computer. Is it necessary to buy/bring my own laptop for CGMT? Or is my own computer alone sufficient?

almost 5 years ago
2 Answers
almost 5 years ago

I can imagine that a remote connection to control your computer at home may be possible.

About the technical specifictions how to do that for example using your mobile phone and a dedicated screen I have no idea how to do this and if it is reliable?

almost 5 years ago

Hello Chris,

I really recommend that you buy a laptop.

During the classes you need to work on it. There are a couple pc’s and mac’s at the uni. But these systems are a couple years old and not really convient to work on because they are really slow, also because you need to work on the server. Also, these machines are not available in most classrooms.

All teachers also work on laptops during classes, you need to do presentations on your laptop and connect hardware from uni to it.

So it's better to have a mobile workstation with you during classes. Or you will fall behind fast.

Kind regards,


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