Creative Media and Game Technologies

hello, What kind of tests are you going to get/how many? How are the resits organized? What do the lessons look like? how many points do you need for your propaedeutic year? Can you work at school when you don't have class?

almost 3 years ago
1 Answer
Joris Kok
Joris Kok
over 2 years ago

There are between 2 and 4 tests during your time at CMGT. Almost all credits are gotten by turning in assignments and projects. So, most of the time, you'll be working on your assignments during the guided labs (3 hours with your teacher) and at home.

For your propaedeutic year you need to pass all your subjects without any grades under 7.

You can work at school after your classes, which many do. It's not uncommon to have people work at School until 21:00 (which usually prompts an order of some pizza, lol)

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