International Business

Hello! How much should I expect to spend on food every month, and what's the accommodation like that Saxion provides us with?

over 7 years ago
1 Answer
Susanna Ambartcumian
Susanna Ambartcumian
over 7 years ago

Hi Trevor!

It depends on how much you eat, of course. Personally I don't think I spend a lot, maybe around 150-200 p/month. If you're interested in a total approximate expenditure per month (incl. food, transport, etc but excluding the housing) then it's around 400-500.

However again, There are some people who spend only 200 p/month.

It depends which campus you're talking about. As for Deventer, there are 2 campuses, where in both you share a bathroom/kitchen, but have your personal room. The campuses are fully equipped (furniture, kitchen appliances, bed sheets).

Hope you have a good idea now!:)

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