International Human Resource Management

Hi, I am currently finishing my Bachelor Business Administration in International Business at Saxion this year. Would I be able to join the short degree program of IHRM?

about 3 years ago
1 Answer
over 1 year ago

Hello Mike,

If you are currently finishing your Bachelor's in Business Administration in International Business at Saxion and wish to join the short degree program of IHRM, you must keep several entry requirements in mind.

Initially, you must have completed at least three years at the university/bachelor’s degree level. From which you have obtained at least 180 EC (European Credits) or the equivalent from the same institution. Further, your previous study should cover the domains of Marketing & Sales, People & Organisation, Operations & Supply Chain Management, and Finance & Accounting, as they are the closest to the program. Besides, the study gap between the completion of your last study program and the Short Degree IHRM program should not exceed two years (measured on the first day of the academic year). Additionally, check if your English language certificate is up to date, along with other preparations such as provided diplomas, curriculum vitae, letter of motivation, and, if necessary, an intake interview.

Finally, do contact Service Point ( ) for more information, or when in doubt.

Best regards,


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