Fashion & Textile Technologies

Is It Connected With Fashion Design? After Graduating,can i pick Designer as my career? Will I learn about how to be a Fashion Designer? Is it bored to Learn about this subjection

over 5 years ago
1 Answer
Stefanie Wichgers
Stefanie Wichgers
almost 5 years ago

Hello Noan,

The study is very broad, but you have to keep in mind that there is also a technical aspect in this study. You also learn designing but it is not the main focus of the course. The first two years you get a little bit of everything(designing,buying, material knowledge, quality testing and knitting). Every quarter there is a groupproject where you can choose your own role fitted to the subject, if you are more design related you can choose a role during these projects that fits this. And after the second year, you can orientate yourself by choosing an internschip and minor that are more fitted to the direction you want to go after your study. I hope i answered your question. Kind regards Stefanie

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