Hotel Management

In your opinion, which are the strongest points of the program? Why should it be chosen?

over 4 years ago
1 Answer
Benson Arudo
Benson Arudo
over 4 years ago

Hello Kateryna,

Sorry for the late reply on your question. The strongest points of the Hotel Management program are:

>The study load process that involves 50% theory work, 45% practical and group work, 5% one is given a study career counsel. Most universities like here in Kenya offer 90% theory and 30% practical work without any study career counsel and that's why I chose Saxion for it's uniqueness to explore on our talents and create more time for us in our studies.

>The hotel management program prepares you to learn vital skills on teamwork, leadership, directing, controlling, organization, solving problems skills.

>It also prepares you for the career ahead of becoming a manager in any hospitality industry in the world today with open doors to new cultures, countries, skills and creativity.

>In the course work, hotel management, the first year is basically theory studying the major themes of hospitality, business and communication skills with a bit of practicals for training. In the second year first semester we learn about entreprenership with a 6 months placement abroad.

In the third year we learn on hotel management and hospitality business course and

In the fourth year, we are placed on minor management internship with conclusion research and consultancy before graduation commences.

These are the reasons why it should be chosen as your course for expertise in future.

Hope this helps with your decision making Kateryna :)

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