Hotel Management

Hello, I would like to know what should I expect from "an online Start assessment" as one of the requirements? And if I could get some specifics maybe (is it test, is it some kind of project related to HM,..)? Thank you and enjoy your day!

almost 3 years ago
1 Answer
Benson Arudo
Benson Arudo
about 2 years ago

Hello Barbs,

This link you can use to practice with almost has similar similarities with the test *1x758e4*_ga*NjQ5MDE5NTQ2LjE2Njk0Njg0MDg.*_ga_S04NDDMHWQ*MTY2OTQ2ODQwOC4xLjAuMTY2OTQ2ODQwOC4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.171356000.1780290273.1669468408-649019546.1669468408


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